Dentists are the Worst

Dentists are the Worst

One thing I know mostly everyone can agree on is not liking the dentist.

If you were to ask me a couple of years ago what I thought of the dentist, I would have told you that they are spawns of Satan himself.  

About 3 years ago I had the worst experience yet which has only furthered my strong belief. I was having a few cavities that were being filled and during the last part of the procedure I felt this great amount of pain coming from where the dentist was drilling into the side of my tooth. He was drilling into a tooth that was nowhere near being numb and oh did I scream!

He numbed me about 4 different times, and 3 of the times in the wrong spot, 4th time was a charm though. Luckily I was able to finish the procedure and leave that awful place. Until, not even 6 months later, the filling fell out and guess who didn’t go to the dentist to get it fixed. Me!! That experience I had made me terrified to ever go to the dentist again.

Because I had based my opinion of every dentist off of one terrible experience with one person.

Flash forward to this past August when I ended up having to go in for an emergency root canal. I kid you not this dentist was the best dentist I have ever been to. Both he and his office staff took very good care of me. It was unlike all of my previous experiences, and it was unlike anything I expected. Now every time I have an appointment to go see the dentist I’m actually excited because I know he will do a good job.

It may just be a common dilemma, this war between the tooth doctor and the rest of humanity, but think about how many times you have taken a bad experience and passed judgement on a restaurant or a specific chain company even though you have had many positives experiences there. I’ve seen it happen everywhere and especially with people in church- they get hurt and walk away from all churches and most importantly a relationship with God because of one (or a few) bad experiences.

Some of the greatest men in the bible went through so many hurts but still never turned their backs on God. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery and Job (oh Job) he was constantly getting attacked in all areas of his life. Did they get weary and did they get angry with God? The answer is yes... but they did not turn their back on God.

People are just humans and what do all humans do? They sin. Yes, that includes pastors, church leaders and Christians who represent Christ, because of the selfish sin-nature that all humans have.  The bible tells us in Psalms 118:8, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”  

Don't ever let anyone cause you to become discouraged and stop serving God.

In this life we WILL get hurt, there is no avoiding it. By well meaning, sometimes very spiritual people. Because they are just that, people. Whether the hurt was intended or not it still stings, but we should not let the hurt from others dictate our love for God.

There is too much at stake to let others effect where we go when this life ends.

Psalm 33:16-20 No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.

The Forgotten Importance of Scarecrows

The Forgotten Importance of Scarecrows

Dear Students

Dear Students